Bula vinaka,
We have our product line which was launched in conjunction with the approval and arrangement from local Fijian artists. These are the very people who will supply the products right to you door steps with the support from Fijituwawa.com. Fijituwawa has strategic partners in Fiji who would mobilise these talented carvers, painters, potters, weavers, and decoraters to provide you with their very best art work. We are also co-partners with the best couriers DHL and Post Fiji to do the magic delivery services.
We hope to start from our very own backyard and help our local people out and may be later on we can move on to other areas of genuine assistance. We have made a huge impact to the international web by posting these products free of charge 24/7 and we have received massive support from Fijians and indo-Fijians all over the world.
We have currently over 320 genuine fiji made products ready on the product page of this website and another set would be uploaded in the near future. If you have any enquiries, suggestions or concern, please do email us on admin@fijituwawa.com.
Regards & Vinaka vakalevu,
Director - Fijituwawa.com